Becoming social responsible citizens is an important part of the curriculum experience at Gatley Primary School.

As one of our school values and one of our ‘6 Cs’ (compassion), this is developed across all aspects of school life, both in the classroom and beyond. Through our pupil parliament structure, the children develop social responsibility as they see the impact their voice has and the role they have to play in making our school an even better place to be. Additional leadership roles (such as Play-leaders) provide our pupils will the opportunity to enrich the learning experience for others and to act as role models for their peers. Additionally, themes which support our children to develop a knowledge of national and international issues are interwoven across the curriculum. For example, in Reception, our children develop an understanding of plastic pollution and the impact of this; in Year 3, children study deforestation and habitat loss in rainforests across The globe; and in Year 6, children learn about sustainable energy sources and the impact of fossil fuel usage upon the environment.

Each year group also undertakes a Global Citizenship project. This project is designed to enact the Rights Respecting Global Goals and to give our children the opportunity to make a difference at a local, national or international level. This year, projects have included raising money to adopt endangered animals, litter picking in our local area, raising funds for our local food bank and writing to people in power to campaign for greater representation of protected characteristics within children’s books.

© Copyright 2018–2025 Gatley Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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