Global Citizenship

At the heart of the Convention on the Rights of the Child is the principle that all human beings are of equal worth and share an equal entitlement to enjoy the rights set out in the Convention. An understanding of human rights is central to global citizenship. A global citizen is someone who understands everybody has rights and is committed to working towards a world where everyone can realise their rights. I a Rights Respecting school, therefore, a global citizen can be defined as someone who believes in global justice and acts to make the world a safer, fairer and more sustainable place in which human rights are protected and respected. Global citizenship in a Rights Respecting school promotes the idea of taking action and building solidarity with people, rather than doing things to or for people.

The Global Goals aim to help drive change and ensure that children's rights will be realised. Exploring the goals is a way of helping children to understand children's rights in a global context.

This year, each of our year groups will complete a sequence of work which is centred on one of the Global Goals, supporting our children to become Global Citizens. 

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Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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