Meet the Governing Body

The Academy Governing Body (AGB) of Gatley Primary School has three core functions and is responsible for:

  • ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • to support and challenge the systems within the school to ensure the performance of the school remains at its highest level
  • overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

 To ensure effective governance, the following have been put in place:

  • the appointment of individuals with the necessary skills, and diversity of perspectives
  • an effective chair and an explicit governor code of conduct
  • clear governance structures with tightly defined remits
  • clear separation, but a positive relationship, between the role of the board and its school leaders
  • the support and advice of an independent and professional clerk
  • robust processes for finance, business planning and compliance
  • processes for regular self-evaluation, review and improvement

Our AGB is chaired by Lisa Dennis, who can be contacted by email at:

The Governing Board meets three times per academic year.

The dates for this academic year are:

Wednesday 6 November 2024 at 5.30pm

Wednesday 19 March 2025 at 5.30pm

Wednesday 9 July 2025 at 5.30pm

Additionally, Governors meet termly to hold curriculum focused meetings. 

The Trust Board receives regular updates from each academy in the Education Learning Trust. Please click on the following link for our governance structure.

Academy Governing Body 2024/25

David Balmer - Parent Governor

Adrian Borrowdale - Co-opted Governor, Co-vice Chair of Governors 

Fran Bradshaw - Co-opted Governor

Lisa Dennis - Co-opted Governor, Academy Chair of Governors

Harriet Dobson - Co-opted Governor

Mark Goodwin - Co-opted Governor

Karina Khan - Staff Governor

Mike Merchant - Co-opted Governor, Vice Chair of Governors

Gemma Norman - Headteacher

Rebecca Taylor - Co-opted Governor 

Governor School Designations

Curriculum: Mike Merchant

Safeguarding: Lisa Dennis

SEND: David Balmer & Fran Bradshaw


The Chair of Governors can be contacted by post:

FAO: Lisa Dennis

C/O Gatley Primary School

Hawthorn Road

Our school is part of the Education Learning Trust and adheres to a set of Trust policies which are stored centrally on out Trust website Policies page. Financial policies can be found here.

Governance Data

© Copyright 2018–2025 Gatley Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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