'To enable students to understand the world around them, and the talents within them so that they become fulfilled individuals and active compassionate citizens' Sir Ken Robinson

We are 'unashamed champions of knowledge and citadels of civilised debate where (our) pupils are encouraged to express views and discuss ideas'. Nick Gibb

At Gatley Primary School, the intent for our curriculum is to capitalise upon the knowledge our children bring and to further grow and develop this knowledge through 'enjoying learning and achieving together', as everybody in our school community is viewed as a learner. To support us in achieving this vision, our intended curriculum's purpose is to implement:

  • A curious curriculum, explored in collaboration, enabling comprehension, developing creativity, connectivity and compassion. We refer to these as 'the 6 Cs of our curriculum'. 

At our school, our curriculum journey is coherently and sequentially planned, enabling all aspects of 'the 6 Cs' to be implemented and evidenced, as the impact of our curriculum upon our pupils.

Our curriculum is designed to support pupils to:

  • Build a body of knowledge that is underpinned by the National Curriculum. This is the basis for the conceptual knowledge our children acquire, which is further refined through the identification of big ideas and powerful knowledge concepts. (Comprehension)
  • See and articulate coherence and connectivity within their learning, through the regular revisiting of identified big ideas and powerful knowledge concepts within and across subject disciplines. This enables our pupils to gain a cumulative body of knowledge that grows over time and is strengthened through the sharing of ambitious subject specific vocabulary, which is ultimately evidenced in our pupils' responses to learning questions. (Connectivity and Curiosity)
  • Grow their cultural capital building upon their existing knowledge of our local context to enable our pupils to become proud citizens of Greater Manchester. This additional layer adds to the ambition of our curriculum, extending our pupils' knowledge beyond the National Curriculum. (Compassion and Comprehension)
  • Experience enrichment that capitalises upon pupils' awe and wonder to support the sticking of knowledge through practical and real-life exploration and experience.
  • Achieve at all levels, both personal and academic, where achievements are celebrated and underpinned by our school values. (Compassion and Comprehension)
  • Work in partnership with others to co-construct our curriculum and their school experiences, promoting pupils' motivation and engagement as active learners in the classroom and beyond and enabling all to exercise agency. (Collaboration)
  • Become the owners of their learning journeys, in the short, medium and long term so that pupils can raise further questions, provide their own informed opinions and show a deep understanding of concepts over time. (Curiosity and Creativity)
  • Experience an ambitious curriculum, which is carefully adapted and refined to improve outcomes and strengthen knowledge. This is supported by our Trust Charter, demonstrating symbiosis across the schools within our Trust. (Comprehension, Collaboration and Connectivity)

As a result of experiencing this, our children will have an expansive body of knowledge anchored in our local context. This knowledge will not only prepare our pupils well for their next stages of education, promoting them to be life-long and passionate learners, who continue to pursue new knowledge, it will enable them to make positive contributions to our society through the choices they make and the values they exude.

This intent has been shaped in consultation with all of our staff and is lived in pupils' day to day curriculum experiences.

For further information regarding our curriculum offer, including details about the implementation and impact of our curriculum, please browse the following pages of our website or explore our Teaching and Learning Policy.




© Copyright 2018–2025 Gatley Primary School

Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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