Implementation and Progression of our Curriculum

Within the Historical, Geographical and Social Understanding Team, our subject leaders have shaped a unique progression grid for the teaching of History.

The implementation of our curriculum is centred around 6 big ideas within each curriculum subject, which have been identified as the key aspects of knowledge and skill that our children need to develop a deep understanding of during their time at Gatley Primary School.

Within these 6 big ideas, key concepts have also been identified. Some of these are shaped across subjects (connected concepts, indicated in red) and some are subject specific (comprehension concepts, indicated in black). These big ideas and corresponding concepts have been identified by our curriculum leaders and are born out of the National Curriculum and then further refined to reflect both our curriculum intent and our ambition for our pupils. 

Each subject has been split into knowledge and skill and the progression within each big idea has been mapped out and sequenced from our pupil's entry point in EYFS to their exit point at the end of KS2; this supports our pupils in making meaningful and coherent connections within their own knowledge as they know and remember more over their primary school journey.

At the end of each phase, the key knowledge and skills children should have acquired within each subject have also been defined as milestone knowledge and skill statements, which support the planning, delivery and assessment of our curriculum offer. These statements sit across all of the big ideas and concepts covered within a subject, demonstrating how our pupils' conceptual knowledge within a subject cumulates. 

Additionally, the sequencing of the History curriculum has also been mapped out, demonstrating the big ideas and concepts to be taught in each year group. Here, the progression within a child's schematic knowledge, over their primary journey, can be seen as curriculum leaders have considered how big ideas and concepts are revisited over time, building strong schemas of knowledge for our children. Here, you will also see further detail of the context for curriculum delivery, demonstrating our broad and balanced curriculum offer. Thematic links can also be seen, where big ideas within a subject are taught within the context of the 'big question' being explored by a year group.

High Quality Resources to Support the Teaching of History

The teaching of History is supported through the continuing development of teaching technique, pedagogy and subject knowledge, which is important to successful teaching. The use of high quality resources and membership to subject associations supports and enhances the planning and delivery of the subject. Within History, access and membership to ‘The History Association’ supports and strengthens teaching and learning.



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Education Learning Trust. Registered address: Hawthorn Road, Gatley, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 4NB. A charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (company number: 09142319)

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